User Data on Tape [TiB]
355103.06 412462.15
Enstore System SummaryEnstore System Status-At-A-Glance
Enstore Server StatusCurrent status of the Enstore servers
encp HistoryHistory of recent encp requests
ConfigurationCurrent Enstore System Configuration
AlarmsActive alarms and alarm history
Log FilesHardware and software log files
Quota and UsageHow tapes are allocated and being used
PlotsEnstore Plots
Web PagesEnstore Web Pages
Active VolumesCurrently Active Volumes per Library
Tape Inventory SummarySummary of inventory results
Tape InventoryDetailed list of tapes and their contents
Cronjob StatusLots of cronjob exit status for past week
Mass Storage System Main PageStorage links for Enstore and dCache
Mass Storage System Documentation PageDocumentation, reports, talks for Enstore and dCache
Production System's Overall StatusStatus for all production Enstore systems

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