Enstore Alarm Search Help


The alarm search page allows you to search the existing log files for alarms that contain the entered string.

Time Frame

The Time Frame box allows you to specify which log files should be searched for alarms. Examples of valid values are -

look through todays log file
look through the last 7 log files (if available) including today
look through the last 30 log files (if available) including today
look through all of the available log files
look through all of the available log files from March 2000
look through all of the available log files from May 10-19, 2000

An available log file is one that is in the log file directory as specified by the log_file_path keyword in the log_server section of the configuration file.

When specifying an actual date (or part of a date) for the time frame, the date is of the following format -


Where the year must include 4 digits, the month must include 2 digits and the day must include 2 digits.

Search String

Searches may be performed for alarms with specific strings in them. A search string is case insensitive and does not require quotes. If no search string is entered then all alarms for the entered time frame will be displayed.

Searches may be done on more than one string. When this is done, due to the syntax of the search, the strings must be entered in the order in which they appear in the string ¹.

For example, to look for all alarms raised by enstore on node stkensrv5, specify a search string of


To look for all alarms that occurred on either node stkensrv3 or stkensrv4, specify a search string of


¹ Log file messages obey the following format (in general) -

time node PID username severity process_name error_message
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Last modified: Wed Aug 2 13:28:17 CDT 2000