Enstore Cron Job Output Help


The Enstore Cron Job Output page, provides a graphical representation of the exit status of Enstore related cron jobs. Each time a cron job runs, it keeps a record of its start time, exit time, and exit status. This information is used to generate these plots. In addition, a cron job may send email to $ENSTORE_MAIL when it encounters an error.

Each cron job that runs, will make use of 7 files in the ~enstore/CRON directory on the machine in which it runs. If the cron job runs as root, the CRON sub-directory will be located in the home directory for root. These files are described below. The file names are constucted of a mnemonic representing the cron job and a short ascii string. In the following description the cron job mnemonic is set to backup

File NameMeaning
backupACTIVEThe cron job is running
backupHISTOGRAMThe history of the start and exit status of the cron job
backupNOMAILDo not send mail if the cron job does not exit successfully
backupNONEGIf a 2nd cron job attempts to run while the 1st one has not finished, do not record this.
backupOKThe cron job is enabled (remove this file to disable the cron job)
backup-mailA copy of the mail that was last sent when the cron job had an error
backup-outputThe output of the last time the ceon job ran

Each plot is presented in 3 separate ways -

Next to each plot is the date and time that the plot was created.

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For each plot, the x-axis represents the time when the cron job was started/finished and the y-axis represents the exit status of the cron job.

y-axis valueMeaning
No bulletThe cron job did not run
0The cron job successfully exited
-1The cron job is not enabled (${cronJob}OK file does not exist in ~enstore/CRON or ~root/CRON)
-2Another cron job of this type is still running (${cronJob}ACTIVE file exists in ~enstore/CRON or ~root/CRON)
-3The ecron command was run incorrectly
-4The setups.sh file was not found
between 0 and 10The cron job exited with an error
10The time the cron job started

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Last modified: Wed Jun 13 15:06:52 CDT 2001