The time the transfer completed |
The node on which encp was run |
The username of the account under which encp was run/The associated storage group |
The interface the mover uses on the mover node |
The number of bytes transferred |
The volume from/to which the data bytes were transferred |
The rate the file was transferred over the network between the encp node and the mover node, in megabytes per second |
The rate measured moving the file between the disk local to encp and the tape, in megabytes per second (includes reading file, network transfer of file and writing file, does not include tape mount or seek times) |
The rate measured when reading/writing from/to the tape drive, in megabytes per second |
The rate of reading/writing the file from/to the disk local to encp, in megabytes per second |
The rate once all encp and media overhead is included, in megabytes per second (this does not include time spent in the library manager queue) |